Create a Winning Business

You Enjoy Leading

Develop Your Team

Maximize Productivity

Increase Your Profit

Frustrated business owner with his hand on his head.

Is Your Business Stuck?

It’s easy to feel frustrated when you’re pouring countless hours into your people, working on your sales pipeline, doing what you can to improve operations and nothing is delivering the results you want.

“I’ve seen far too many business leaders work too hard just to break even!”

I’m Dr. Dan Elash. For the past 35 years I’ve used a blend of business coaching and psychology to provide businesses with a simple, straightforward approach to developing their people and experiencing the growth they deserve!

It’s Time to Move Your Business


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Schedule a Call

Dr. Dan will ask questions that get to the heart of your team and the strengths and weaknesses of your business.
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Get a Personalized Plan

Dr. Dan will create a strategy that ensures your business runs like a well oiled machine.

Lead with Confidence

Make decisions that move the needle and oversee a team that cares about the business as much as you do.

What business leaders, like you, are
saying about Dr. Dan’s Services:

Stop letting your business keep you up at night.

Schedule a call today, and enjoy leading your team into a new season of growth!